To be an SFI affiliate means that I am taking control of my life. I don't feel that my arms are being twisted to do anything. There are people that have been doing SFI for years and are still doing it, and with success. I'm proud to be an affiliate because I am my own boss.
I can be a team leader if I choose. I can go to the forum and get any question that I can think of out of my head and submitted for some realy great and helpful answers.
The forum is now my home and part of my family. The people there are amazing and want freedom just as bad as I do, or else they would not be reaching for stars.
I hope you find something you like about SFI too. I hope you do and continue to grow your SFI business. Remember though, SFI will not happen for you within the blink of an eye. It is a real business and it will take time and lots of effort to maintain a possitive business outlook. I wish you the best and have a great month.
To be an SFI affiliate means that I am taking control of my life. I don't feel that my arms are being twisted to do anything. There are people that have been doing SFI for years and are still doing it, and with success. I'm proud to be an affiliate because I am my own boss.
I can be a team leader if I choose. I can go to the forum and get any question that I can think of out of my head and submitted for some realy great and helpful answers.
The forum is now my home and part of my ...more