First of all before anyone can find your SFI website when Google is used as a search engine, make sure that the following steps are taken into account:
1. Website Completed
This tells Google that the website is ready to accept visitors and not as an advertisement website or a website that is under construction. A completed website good working links, rich-in content that is well-themed for the target audience and most of all has a stable web hosting provider.
2. Submit your website to Google’s webmaster-tools
This will ensure that your website is properly structured and correct. It will check on your links and notifies Google of any update of your website for future search engine crawls.
3. Submit Google’s submit-URL
This is a must for anyone wanting to publish his website to submit your website to Google through submit-URL link. For doing this, Google will include your website in their search engine.
4. Link-Build
Google is looking for a website that has link-build naturally and organically. It means that your website provide a post section or link-to freely and openly. If your website is a business, it is better to submit your website to Google's business-directory and search, for better ranking Avoid link-building your website using paid links, using sources that is not themed to your website’s content and automatic multiple-submissions. These are considered by Google as a spam.
5. Update Content
Google constantly evaluates website’s content of any updates. It should be simple and easy to read and is done according to your website’s theme.
Having taken all these steps into account, Google's PageRank algorithm assesses the importance of your web pages content. Your website is now available in Google Search.
How you enter the search terms and the order in which you enter them affect both the order and pages that appear in your search results.
How your website can be found depends on the following search parameters:
1. Use words likely to appear on the pages you want.
2. Use more query terms to narrow your results. Be specific.
3. Be Brief: Use a few precise words for best results.
4. You don’t have to correct your spelling: Google recognizes your mistake and suggest an alternative more common spelling.
First of all before anyone can find your SFI website when Google is used as a search engine, make sure that the following steps are taken into account:
1. Website Completed
This tells Google that the website is ready to accept visitors and not as an advertisement website or a website that is under construction. A completed website good working links, rich-in content that is well-themed for the target audience and most of all has a stable web hosting provider.