The ECA program is kind like getting your own store at ebay or amazon, except at TripleClicks you get your store free of cost and you can upload as many products as you desire free of cost, so there is no better way to go than to become an E-Commerce Associate at Tripleclicks.
Also tell them that there will be thousands of local members (depending on the country if products can be shipped only locally) who are potential customers who will be looking at their products and may buy from them.
All that is required for them is to scan your documents, complete the registration form online at your ECA gateway link and send in your scanned documents. Help them with this, a personal helping hand is sure to get them signed up.
They will get a personalized link showing all their listing. This is like havind a personal store online without all the hassle of having to go through all the steps of buying domain name, buying hosting, getting an expensive design and paying processor etc. It can become an expensive thing to run your own e-commerce site, but at Tripleclicks you get everything for free. What a generous offer.
The ECA program is kind like getting your own store at ebay or amazon, except at TripleClicks you get your store free of cost and you can upload as many products as you desire free of cost, so there is no better way to go than to become an E-Commerce Associate at Tripleclicks.
Also tell them that there will be thousands of local members (depending on the country if products can be shipped only locally) who are potential customers who will be looking at their products and may buy from ...more