Do something with affiliates who do something, and do "nothing" with affiliates who do nothing.Sounds fair enough isn't it?Well I personally believe everything starts with our perception and there shouldn't be like a prescribed way of handling inactive affiliates for almost everyone of us.Why?..Because there are so many variations and levels of this inactivity and also our standing as sponsors.
Some affiliates are insecure, some are scared of being scammed,some are lazy e-mailers, some signed up because of the juicy banner or ad , just to check the details of how authentic or useful/real the program maybe and of course some clicked it by mistake and just enjoyed the ride of good words but realised they can't be possibly ready for the programme. That is why I put my "nothing" in quotes because it is not given the power to anyone of us to know the reason why the did sign up in the first place but never took further action, unless you know them personally and may want to try one-to-one talk to assist.
Many a time sponsors are just too desperate for affiliates ,esp those with only one active affiliate (like myself), while some have an adequate down line which they now concentrate on teaching how to duplicate, and so our pursuit will differ.Either way or in any other case, we may just need to face one truth with all our constant encouragement, enticement and offers of support(which I also do by the way) "we can never make a donkey plunge into the dip tank though it has more ticks than the cow, its just meant for the cow".Quite frankly our writings and other inputs possibly have very little to with their in/activity; -its principally their choice and their move first and then we chip in to assist.
We have a good calibre of sponsors in SFI,I must say,and most of them(you) are doing a good job sponsoring,but we can only go so far and to think we are not doing enough maybe a discouragement on our part,(I mean the active sponsors)beating ourselves much more is not going to change much positively and I pat you(and I) on the shoulders for the efforts and incentives so far but for those giving up too soon try a little more harder to do the rest of the suggestions written by many authors for this question, they are more than good enough...
Instead of being discouraged sometimes we may need to forbear; but still the choice is/should be ours, depending on how we personally perceive the whole thing. We just should never raise our hopes "too" high, who knows?these affiliates may resurrect from their deep slumber just from nowhere, decide to be active again, and we will still reap the benefits, because they are in our line for life!
Do something with affiliates who do something, and do "nothing" with affiliates who do nothing.Sounds fair enough isn't it?Well I personally believe everything starts with our perception and there shouldn't be like a prescribed way of handling inactive affiliates for almost everyone of us.Why?..Because there are so many variations and levels of this inactivity and also our standing as sponsors.
Some affiliates are insecure, some are scared of being scammed,some are lazy e-mailers,