Hello Jacinta,
This is a very valid question.
My answer to this question is that you do nothing more and you do nothing less than what you are doing for all of your other affiliates.
You see this is a business about individuals. To do well a person must be self-motivated.
Of course, we all need help n the beginning, but, even in the beginning you can identify your motivated affiliates by the fact that they are taking the required basic actions and asking you questions that really matter.
If you have affiliates that are doing nothing, send them the same information that you are sending everyone else, but, you only need to worry and work with those that are responding to your efforts.
Don't waste your valuable time and information on those that are unmotivated.
In time they will either become motivated or just fade into oblivion. You see, ultimately, it's their choice to do or not do. You can only provide the opportunity.
Hello Jacinta,
This is a very valid question.
My answer to this question is that you do nothing more and you do nothing less than what you are doing for all of your other affiliates.
You see this is a business about individuals. To do well a person must be self-motivated.
Of course, we all need help n the beginning, but, even in the beginning you can identify your motivated affiliates by the fact that they are taking the required basic actions and asking you