I look to see when they last logged in and did something. I see the total VP for 600VP in the last 90 days.
Since I reassign a lot to support workers so they can get 30 VP a week if they have no PSA, or simply give PSA's more affiliates that MAY eventually come to life.
I can get 5VP for the reassignment to a PSA if there is 600VP in the last 90 days. I reduce the number of GEN1 so that is more manageable for me and hopefully help my PSA's.
If they can practice and learn being supportive sponsors, it achieves progress to our goals.
And, I never say never until SFI removes the affiliate! I try to continue support to them generally with the Genealogy Group Mailer, and may on sparse occasion send a TM to an individual, without being pushy.
Perhaps offering a token, a gift, if they request and will be active to some degree. Sending a GIFT Certificate without prior two-way communication is something I firmly discourage. I have only tied up my doing that. It does not work.
I look to see when they last logged in and did something. I see the total VP for 600VP in the last 90 days.
Since I reassign a lot to support workers so they can get 30 VP a week if they have no PSA, or simply give PSA's more affiliates that MAY eventually come to life.
I can get 5VP for the reassignment to a PSA if there is 600VP in the last 90 days. I reduce the number of GEN1 so that is more manageable for me and hopefully help my PSA's.