A former friend of mine whom I was very close to many years ago when I was hung up on a problem as the result of someone elses negative actions would reach over, touch my arm and say, "Let it go." That stuck with me throughout the years. That was back in my younger days. She was a woman that even though she was working out her own problems had a lot of wisdom to share and was making progress because of it. What it did for me was to cause me to take a look at myself and realize I was not responsible for another persons issues. "Let it go" are 3 of the most important words in my life.
When we are involved with a team, we are not responsible for what they do or what they don't do. The best we can do is to have a positive affect on them. And even when we can bring the best words to them, even when we think we have done our very best and brought the best to them does not guarantee they will grasp the concept that catapults them into success.
The best we can do is set the example by showing the world what it means to be a quality person. I have learned many times that when we live that example, that is what people gravitate toward.
A former friend of mine whom I was very close to many years ago when I was hung up on a problem as the result of someone elses negative actions would reach over, touch my arm and say, "Let it go." That stuck with me throughout the years. That was back in my younger days. She was a woman that even though she was working out her own problems had a lot of wisdom to share and was making progress because of it. What it did for me was to cause me to take a look at myself and realize I was not ...more