You can get the positive support and assistance of your a2a friends by regularly communicating with them. Use your stream tab and select the a2a friends as you recipient to send them power tips, words of encouragement and success quotes and remind them always your steady availability in helping them succeed to this home based business. Email them regularly (once a week will do) and share your success in this site as an additional encouragement for them to proceed. You can also send them TCredits so that they can use them in joining auction bids and price guessing in TripleClicks. Always be polite in communicating with them, in that manner you can show them who you are and what you are.
You can get the positive support and assistance of your a2a friends by regularly communicating with them. Use your stream tab and select the a2a friends as you recipient to send them power tips, words of encouragement and success quotes and remind them always your steady availability in helping them succeed to this home based business. Email them regularly (once a week will do) and share your success in this site as an additional encouragement for them to proceed. You can also send them TCredits ...more