First of all make a list of people you know:
- Cousins
- Friends
- Business associates
- Work colleagues
- People you know
- Neighbors
- Check your mailing list
therefore, the widest possible list.
From that list, of course extract the all those that you know for sure that they could handle it in this business.
To those people you can send a short letter (e-mail) with your intent and a brief explanation about the SFI business. It would be good if, in accordance with the interests of these people, by the letter you send a small gift - an e-card, e-book or a gift card of $ 12, to purchase on TripleClicks.
As a second method – you can send (also by e-mail) a link to your blog / website (if you have one) where they will find all the necessary information about the SFI business with the above mentioned gifts.
Next, place all the necessary facilities to highly ranked sites for advertising.
Through social networks (Facebook, Twitter etc) contact all the people you got on your friends list or follow lists.
In the end what is, in my opinion, it's pretty important, you will always, among the people you know, on any aspect of your life, rather find those to be devote to the SFI business.
First of all make a list of people you know:
- Cousins
- Friends
- Business associates
- Work colleagues
- People you know
- Neighbors
- Check your mailing list
therefore, the widest possible list.
From that list, of course extract the all those that you know for sure that they could handle it in this business.
To those people you can send a short letter (e-mail) with your intent and a brief explanation about the SFI business.