In general, Member Reward Points (MRP) are points awarded after purchasing a TripleClicks (TC) item. Almost all products listed at TripleClicks contain information on how many MRPs will be rewarded as well as equivalent MRPs needed to purchase a TC product.
In my experience MRPs are important part in doing promotions and incentives to my team. I accumulate MRPs to buy Gift Certificate and TCredits and give them as rewards for recognition in their achievements like renewing to EA2 or moving up as a Team Leader.
I encourage them in doing their bidding at Pricebender to look for Double MRP item Auctions. For each bid they will get 10 MRP instead of 5 MRP. They can in turn use accumulated MRPs to purchase TCredits and at the same time receive the corresponding VPs for purchasing TCredits to top up their VersaPoints Rank.
In general, Member Reward Points (MRP) are points awarded after purchasing a TripleClicks (TC) item. Almost all products listed at TripleClicks contain information on how many MRPs will be rewarded as well as equivalent MRPs needed to purchase a TC product.
In my experience MRPs are important part in doing promotions and incentives to my team. I accumulate MRPs to buy Gift Certificate and TCredits and give them as rewards for recognition in their achievements like renewing to EA2 or moving ...more