The importance of MRP is highly important, as it could lead to your PSAs or CSAs being able to earn a lucrative income.
Firstly, MRP can be used as much as you would use hard earned cash to pay for your items on TripleClicks. It is, so to speak, a type of currency that TripleClicks has come up with to assist in paying for items on TripleClicks.
Secondly, it can be used to buy TCredits once you've use a TCredit to bid in the auctions. Each TCredit ALSO earns you MRP, by default it is 5 MRP, however, you can always look for the DOUBLE MRP Rewards logo on auctions and choose to bid on those, this will earn you not 5, but 10MRP per bid! This is a good way to make the most value out of your bidding.
Thirdly, you can buy many items from TripleClicks with MRP instead of US$. So you could in essence, save up all your MRP for a specific item you REALLY want or like on TripleClicks and then buy for it with MRP. The only downside to this is the cost of shipping as it isn't included, so try to find items that offer FREE Shipping for their item.
Once you are able to work the process of earning MRP and spending it, it's time for the next phase. There is a REWARDS tab on TripleClicks website where you can buy specific items with MRP at a hugely discounted price. Perhaps there is something there that you purchase and use at a later stage.
The importance of MRP is highly important, as it could lead to your PSAs or CSAs being able to earn a lucrative income.
Firstly, MRP can be used as much as you would use hard earned cash to pay for your items on TripleClicks. It is, so to speak, a type of currency that TripleClicks has come up with to assist in paying for items on TripleClicks.
Secondly, it can be used to buy TCredits once you've use a TCredit to bid in the auctions. Each TCredit ALSO earns you MRP, by default