Let me first make it clear that SFI is actually not a get-rich quick business,however there are some strategies one can adopt to start earning very quickly.In order to start earning quickly here at SFI,the following must be done;
1.Making sales at Tripleclicks:this can be done by advertising both online and offline(i.e door-to-door advertising) to get companies which deals in products on "higher demand" to sell their products at Tripleclicks and for each approved ECA,you get 100 VPs when they list their first products and 10% CV on all sales made at the end of the month for life.You can also hand out gift cards to people to list their unwanted stuff for sale and earn commissions on all their sales or even earn commissions when they make purchases with the cards.Last but not least,you can list items of "higher demand" yourself for sale and earn commissions.
2.Making purchases:this can also be done by getting people(PRMs) to buy all their daily products from Tripleclicks and earn massive 45% CV on all their purchases and VPs as well.You must also do likewise,buy all your daily products from Tripleclicks and earn VPs to reach EA every month in order to have a share in the monthly pool.In the case of delay in products delivery,you can convince the nearby store you buy from everyday to join Tripleclicks and still buy from them and earn those VPs and reduce shipping cost as well.By so doing,they automatically become your ECA and you still earn 10% CV on all their sales.Teach your PRMs to do same and they will always love buying to boost your earnings.
3.Promoting PriceBenders Auctions:sell T-Credits by referring people to the latest auctions won by people at price with 90% or more off the regular price.These people eventually become interested and would also like to bid.They will buy T-Credits and depending on the paks they buy you can earn monthly commission up to $300
4.Recruiting more PSAs:buy PSAs,bid to win PSAs & CSAs and make both free and paid advertisement to recruit many PSAs and for every purchase they make,you earn 45% and 15% commissions on your PSAs and CSAs respectively.
These are the best strategies I think would make one earn very quickly at SFI.
Let me first make it clear that SFI is actually not a get-rich quick business,however there are some strategies one can adopt to start earning very quickly.In order to start earning quickly here at SFI,the following must be done;
1.Making sales at Tripleclicks:this can be done by advertising both online and offline(i.e door-to-door advertising) to get companies which deals in products on "higher demand" to sell their products at Tripleclicks and for each approved ECA,you get 100 VPs