First you must understand that rejection is part of this kind of business.
when i face rejection what i know is that their have not rejected me their have rejected the opportunity,you have to motivate and believe in yourself,remember this kind of business is not for everyone. statistics say that 95% will say no only 5% will say yes,you have to move forward because when you join SFI you know your why and you have to find how you will overcome the rejection.what i can advise you is that when you see or face rejection is that you are doing the business correctly.
First you must understand that rejection is part of this kind of business.
when i face rejection what i know is that their have not rejected me their have rejected the opportunity,you have to motivate and believe in yourself,remember this kind of business is not for everyone. statistics say that 95% will say no only 5% will say yes,you have to move forward because when you join SFI you know your why and you have to find how you will overcome the rejection.what i can advise you is that when ...more