I think the answer to your question has many different answers?
One Affiliate might have a very good up-line Sponsor, who helps drive this Affiliates Business, where as another Affiliate might not have such a good Sponsor who doesn't support or encourage their Affiliates.
Some Affiliates will be driven Business people anyway, some will need to be led by the hand just as in life!
Born to Lead or born to follow!
This is just my answer! There are many more answers!
I think the answer to your question has many different answers?
One Affiliate might have a very good up-line Sponsor, who helps drive this Affiliates Business, where as another Affiliate might not have such a good Sponsor who doesn't support or encourage their Affiliates.
Some Affiliates will be driven Business people anyway, some will need to be led by the hand just as in life!
Born to Lead or born to follow!
This is just my answer! There are many more answers!