The difference is in application.
Some people apply themselves more than others:
- they read more often - for understanding, explanation, clarification, interest, etc.
- they look for avenues / openings
- they contact people - talk, use fliers, adverts in newspapers, email, facebook, twitter, paradox, etc.
For some people, it's just their time.
Some of us have spent years looking for/hoping for a break in life. For us, SFI is it. We know what it is to have struggled, gone without, missed out, etc. We can see that all you need to make SFI work is *time, internet connection, the desire to help others, and a small financial investment*.
It is true that for some, the interest just isn't there.
But for others it's a matter of circumstances. Some have no internet, others no time, others no money to spare.
The hope/joy is, when their breakthrough comes, SFI will be here with open arms.
**Incidentally, you can't become successful in SFI in just weeks.
It takes a minimum of 2 months to become EA2; longer to become an established Team Leader; longer still to build a team of EA2s. When you see our Platinum Team Leaders saying, "don't give up", they mean it literally; financial breakthrough in SFI takes time - but at our age, what's a couple of years?!
The difference is in application.
Some people apply themselves more than others:
- they read more often - for understanding, explanation, clarification, interest, etc.
- they look for avenues / openings
- they contact people - talk, use fliers, adverts in newspapers, email, facebook, twitter, paradox, etc.
For some people, it's just their time.
Some of us have spent years looking for/hoping for a break in life. For us, SFI is it. We know what it is to have