Getting your downline to focus on duplication is one of the rules of success. As you are explaining to your downline about how to be successful, expressing the importance of duplication is part of your pitch.
Duplication will help them earn more money. As soon as they have several EA2's in their downline, they will be getting extra action points for supporting them and it will be easy to become BTL and higher. Once reaching Team Leader status, their income will go up because they receive compensation for their downline's VP as well as their own. As the duplication continues, with their downline, it continues to grow.
Since duplication is one of the rules of success, it should be easy to convince your downline the importance of the process! They should be excited and be working on their own downline.
I have recently started seeing success with some of my own downline and it has fired me up and gotten me more involved with SFI! It will happen with your downline as well! Good Luck!
Getting your downline to focus on duplication is one of the rules of success. As you are explaining to your downline about how to be successful, expressing the importance of duplication is part of your pitch.
Duplication will help them earn more money. As soon as they have several EA2's in their downline, they will be getting extra action points for supporting them and it will be easy to become BTL and higher. Once reaching Team Leader status, their income will go up because they ...more