You don't really need to convince anybody of having a Standing Order. In my opinion, you shouldn't try to "convince" them. Its important to have a SO yourself because that increases your credibility and is duplicatable. I would just share the benefits of having a SO and ask my PSA/CSA to review how having a SO can help them reach EA and BTL faster. The affiliate should be completing his to do list every single day and completing the Launchpad lessons. I read about the SO benefits and that discovery motivated me to place a SO. I didn't need any convincing and neither should your affiliates. Teach them and share with them. Don't try convincing them!
You don't really need to convince anybody of having a Standing Order. In my opinion, you shouldn't try to "convince" them. Its important to have a SO yourself because that increases your credibility and is duplicatable. I would just share the benefits of having a SO and ask my PSA/CSA to review how having a SO can help them reach EA and BTL faster. The affiliate should be completing his to do list every single day and completing the Launchpad lessons. I read about the SO benefits and ...more