Great question. There is a real simple answer too.
First things first. We need to get some assumptions out of the way as the question does not clearly do that for us.
In answering this question:
***First I will assume that you are financially capable of providing this support.
***Second, the person whom is financially challenged but a hard working PSA/CSA that you so wish to support is working smart too and not just hard working.
The first assumption is straight forward, if you are capable financially and willing, you have four fantastic resources to use:
1. TripleClicks gift certificates in denominations from up to 100 or higher
2. TripleClicks TCredits which can be transferred up to 100 total before having to request a limit increase
3. Free Affiliate coop shares that you can offer them
4 Affiliate Reassignments from you to them
All four of the above are viable options that all can support well a PSA/CSA whom is financially challenged. This leads to my second assumption and that is this PSA-CSA is not just hard working but working smart too. Meaning they are exhausting every single little avenue to get VP and they are truly now without any further means to get to say EA2 or BTL again without assistance because they are not yet sustainable on their own quite yet.
If these two assumptions, you being financially capable and the PSA/CSA exhausting all avenues and is strapped for money, then the four options above are the best resources at your disposal and you should be using them if it makes sense as it will pay off on the long run.
Hope this sheds some further insight on how to support your cause.
Good luck
Great question. There is a real simple answer too.
First things first. We need to get some assumptions out of the way as the question does not clearly do that for us.
In answering this question:
***First I will assume that you are financially capable of providing this support.
***Second, the person whom is financially challenged but a hard working PSA/CSA that you so wish to support is working smart too and not just hard working.
The first assumption