How can I convince my downline of the benefits of having a Standing Order without them feeling pressured?
Help your affiliates understand the system and the compensation plan. The best thing you can do for your team is to communicate with them. Guide them, teach them, answer their questions, and encourage them. Motivate them.
If an affiliate understands the power behind the program, they will set up an SO on their own, if they can afford to. Affiliates who have the mindset to succeed in SFI will understand the benefits themselves.
I think it is important to focus on having an SO that will benefit the affiliate. Let your affiliate know how an SO can help them grow their business. The IAHBE subscription gives you access to a wealth of home business information which can help you learn more about being a successful home business entrepreneur.
TCredits can be used to selling things on TC, which can be money in your pocket. They can also be used for Pricebender auctions. You can win PSAs, S-Builder units, and CSAs to grow your team. You can win IAHBE subscriptions, which will give you access to a tremendous amount of information on home businesses and internet marketing, along with giving you enough VP to ensure EA2 status for a few months. TCredits, when used for the penny auctions, also give you valuable action VP and MRP.
It is important to stress the benefits of their standing order. A lot of affiliates set up a standing order so they get the VP attached to their purchase. Instead, encourage your team members to pick something that will be useful for them in helping to grow their business.
How can I convince my downline of the benefits of having a Standing Order without them feeling pressured?
Help your affiliates understand the system and the compensation plan. The best thing you can do for your team is to communicate with them. Guide them, teach them, answer their questions, and encourage them. Motivate them.
If an affiliate understands the power behind the program, they will set up an SO on their own, if they can afford to. Affiliates who have the mindset to