This is a very easy answer, YES!!! SFI is growing very fast. If you do not tell your family members about SFI, someone else will. While you are trying to deside whether this is a good idea or not, I just posted advertisements in hopes of making your family members my PSA's. Even if I dont reach your family members, they will hear about it from one of their co workers or friends. To avoid your family member becoming someone elses PSA, tell them about the SFI oppertunity NOW! Tell all of your friends too! This is not a bussiness oppertunity that you want to keep a secret.
This is a very easy answer, YES!!! SFI is growing very fast. If you do not tell your family members about SFI, someone else will. While you are trying to deside whether this is a good idea or not, I just posted advertisements in hopes of making your family members my PSA's. Even if I dont reach your family members, they will hear about it from one of their co workers or friends. To avoid your family member becoming someone elses PSA, tell them about the SFI oppertunity NOW! Tell all of your friends ...more