People often say they don't have any funds and sometimes this is true. Usually, though you can help people find the funds to purchase a monthly IAHBE membership by helping them see ways they can cut some discretionary spending. For example, they may go the movies twice a month. Cutting that down to once a month could save them $20. Perhaps, they order out for pizza twice a month. Cutting that down to once a month could save them another $15 a month. These two cost savings together could help them purchase the IAHBE membership which will give them 1500 Versa Points--enough to qualify them for EA. Most of us spend money on conveniences and other things that we don't even think about. For example, some of us will spend money on weekly bowling, golf or other fun activities. I am not suggesting that a person should not give up all of these things. But if we can help the person cut down on these discretionary expenditures, then those funds can be used for TC purchases or standing orders which can help them build their SFI business faster.
People often say they don't have any funds and sometimes this is true. Usually, though you can help people find the funds to purchase a monthly IAHBE membership by helping them see ways they can cut some discretionary spending. For example, they may go the movies twice a month. Cutting that down to once a month could save them $20. Perhaps, they order out for pizza twice a month. Cutting that down to once a month could save them another $15 a month. These two cost savings together could help ...more