Supporting down-line members to have successful months after their first month is a consideration for all Team Leaders.
I encourage down-line members through the use of Team Mail messages which contain strategies that I have personally used and found to be successful and I also redirect down line members to review other SFI resources such as A2A postings, ASK SC postings as well as other helpful tips that I receive directly from my up-line team members. A review of the Launch Pad Lessons are a great resource; Launch Pad Lessons contains extremely helpful information for all affiliates to have success with VP collection month to month.
Entrepreneurs work from having knowledge so it is important as a Knowledge Worker to share what has been helpful as well as what was not helpful. Share what you know, not only by telling but also by doing/modelling as well.
It is also helpful to inquire with your down-line members what kind of resources are available in their local communities that may be a way for them to promote SFI and TripleClicks that does not cost anything to them at all. It is important to consider what down-line members have available to them as every affiliate's situation so at times as a Team Leader you may have to assist with their customization of receiving VP's after their first month with SFI.
Share what you do, by telling and modelling, and let down-line members duplicate your actions so they may see the same returns each month with a growth of their VersaPoints.
Supporting down-line members to have successful months after their first month is a consideration for all Team Leaders.
I encourage down-line members through the use of Team Mail messages which contain strategies that I have personally used and found to be successful and I also redirect down line members to review other SFI resources such as A2A postings, ASK SC postings as well as other helpful tips that I receive directly from my up-line team members. A review of the Launch Pad Lessons ...more