Facebook is GREAT for this kind of business!! I use it non-stop.
1.For one you have to be friends with them so they can see what you post.
2.You can use your wall to post updates and inspirational messages or maybe even advertise something but don't overdo it.2-3 advertisement posts per week are enough.Otherwise they will stop following you on FB.Same is with your non SFI friends.
3.Create a page that you will devote it to SFI and TC promotions,updates and certain contests that you may hold.
4.Create a group where you and your members ( also their members and members of those members and so on) can share thoughts,experiences,ask a questions or congratulate to each other.
5.Add them (and you join as well)to many ,many, MANY advertising groups where they can look for members as well as to advertise products from TripleCLicks. PLEASE NOTE :that not all groups allow MLM posts or online sales so read carefully the section "ABOUT" in the group.Also many links from SFI are blocked so if they make personal blog,or if they have a domain and website they can use it for that purpose )
6.And lastly you can advertise with FB
Facebook is GREAT for this kind of business!! I use it non-stop.
1.For one you have to be friends with them so they can see what you post.
2.You can use your wall to post updates and inspirational messages or maybe even advertise something but don't overdo it.2-3 advertisement posts per week are enough.Otherwise they will stop following you on FB.Same is with your non SFI friends.
3.Create a page that you will devote it to SFI and TC promotions,updates and certain contests that