"What is the most effective promotion/incentive you have offered your downline to become (or requalify as) an EA?"
It is a very challenging question but though it is simple at the same time.
I personally use the following incentives to encourage my downlines to requalify as EA:
1. Most importantly, I make them to see the importance of requalifying for EA. I let them to see the benefits of maintaining their EA status which are listed here: https://www.sfimg.com/Reference/ComparisonChart
2. Set up a goal to be met with a prize attached . E.g I will recommmend a product or combination of products for them to purchase from their Tripleclicks store that will at least earn them 1500 VP to requalify for EA. Then I will attach a prize to whoever meets up with the goal E.g TCredit, Reassign PSAs to such person that meet up with the goal.
3. I encourage them to do that by giving them access to my Leadership page. Right there, they will see my achievements by looking at the badges that I have earned. Actually, for you to encourage your PSA to become EA, you too must be an EA or more.
With these 3, you can encourage your PSA and even your CSAs to become EA the next month and continuosly.
"What is the most effective promotion/incentive you have offered your downline to become (or requalify as) an EA?"
It is a very challenging question but though it is simple at the same time.
I personally use the following incentives to encourage my downlines to requalify as EA:
1. Most importantly, I make them to see the importance of requalifying for EA. I let them to see the benefits of maintaining their EA status which are listed here: https://www.sfimg.com/Reference/ComparisonChart