To develop trust with your affiliates and get them to follow your leadership is not as difficult as it may seem at first. To position yourself correctly, it is important to have attained some level of success for yourself. Remember the poor man's wisdom is despised. If he were Donald Trump then people would hinge on every bit of advice he gives. Why? Donald Trump is a billionaire. So if you want to be a billionaire, you'd better take notes!
Moreover, you must set the expectation early on in the relationship. Empathize with your affiliates as you were once a 'newbie' like them. Explain to them in everyday language how to get from Start to EA2. Remind them that you've been there and done it so that they can learn from your mistakes and cut their learning curb. Finally, hold their hand through the process in the earlier stages until they are comfortable with the process.
Do this and you will not only earn their trust but also their respect.
As far as getting your down line to follow your leadership, that is a choice that they must make. They can either choose to learn from you and achieve equal or greater success or they can go solo. Going solo is not wrong but it doesn't contribute to team spirit. Put yourself in your sponsor's shoes and would you want your PSA to completely ignore the good advice that you offer? NO! So, listen to your sponsor, weigh the validity of what they teach in the scale of common sense and if it measures up to salt take their advice. If not offer constructive criticism as to why not but don't just insult your sponsors efforts to help you by just ignoring them. It's rude and disrespectful. If you want respect give it. To be a good leader yourself you must learn how to follow.
When a mutual understanding exists between you and your down line, then you can really see the power of the compensation plan in action. Not only that, the excitement and synergy will build because EVERYONE wins when you work together as a team. Make the process simple and easy to duplicate and those you want to achieve success will follow your guidance. Never try to ride a wild horse. There are plenty that will not only let you ride but will work for you as long as you feed them! Take care of your workers and they will reward you back with loyalty.
To develop trust with your affiliates and get them to follow your leadership is not as difficult as it may seem at first. To position yourself correctly, it is important to have attained some level of success for yourself. Remember the poor man's wisdom is despised. If he were Donald Trump then people would hinge on every bit of advice he gives. Why? Donald Trump is a billionaire. So if you want to be a billionaire, you'd better take notes!
Moreover, you must set the expectation