Referring to your question, I strongly feels that Genealogy works best for me because it has the full and complete feature for me to follow up and get in touch with my affiliates 3 in 1:
1. Communication
a) can send personal email directly to my downline affiliates
b) can send group support message via PSA mailer, CSA mailer or genealogy group mailer which is recommended for us to perform weekly
c) can chat with any affiliate who is online
d) can post private notes to affiliates
2. Keep track of all affiliates
a) Total number of affiliates
b) Checked on My Movers
c) Active and non-active affiliates
3. Reward
a) Buy Gift Certificate - I'm exploring on this and plan to use this in the near future
b) Reassign affiliates - I'm currently using this to reassigned affiliates with more than 600 VPs to my active affiliates. In return, I earn 5VPs for each reassignment
c) Transfer Tcredit - I'm currently using this to transfer 5 Tcredits each to my affiliates who login daily and perform the to-do list action
Hope the above helps. Thanks
Referring to your question, I strongly feels that Genealogy works best for me because it has the full and complete feature for me to follow up and get in touch with my affiliates 3 in 1:
1. Communication
a) can send personal email directly to my downline affiliates
b) can send group support message via PSA mailer, CSA mailer or genealogy group mailer which is recommended for us to perform weekly
c) can chat with any affiliate who is online