Realize that we all must face negativity. It's everywhere. It's so engrained in human nature. However, we must understand the potential we have in life and who we really are. This goes for everything in life, in your faith and everything else, for your faith is the root of everything else. People have been hurt so much with bad experiences and have been taught negative things by parents and teachers and others; and many people have low self-esteem and an inferiority complex. When you know the truth about yourself and your relationship to God and others, you learn how to become positive in every situation and learn how to treat kindly those who only can speak things that try to pull you down. What you do is love them, treat them with kindness, forgive them and move on to those who will work with you. Don't let anyone keep you back. Be persistent in your work and keep moving. Someone else will hear what you have to say and will be enthusiastic and join with you. The ones that I call, "kill joys," must be left behind. Just remember that some will, some won't. So what? Someone's waiting. Who's next?
Have a great time working in SFI! Keep moving and striving for your greatest potential. You can and will succeed. I believe in you.
Realize that we all must face negativity. It's everywhere. It's so engrained in human nature. However, we must understand the potential we have in life and who we really are. This goes for everything in life, in your faith and everything else, for your faith is the root of everything else. People have been hurt so much with bad experiences and have been taught negative things by parents and teachers and others; and many people have low self-esteem and an inferiority complex. When you know the ...more