Before accepting that you are broke, have you done a financial analysis to your current situation? Look around what you have, what you don’t need, maybe you can convert your unwanted stuff into cash. You can list your unwanted stuff through your TConnect page for just 1TCredit. If you have a laptop or desktop and an Internet connection, then you are not broke at all. Analyze your monthly budget and find out your monthly basic needs. You might be surprise to find out that you can find additional cash by tightening your monthly budget. If you can afford to cover your basic needs, like food, rent, and utilities including your Internet connection, then you are not broke.
With this in mind, you can apply the 1TCredit Strategy to achieve EA and for next month renewing to EA2. Log in daily and perform your To-Do List, on red tabs earning 11VP. If you have PSAs then add 30VP/week (120VP/month), reviewing your TConnect page 5VP (20VP/month) and posting in Stream 3VP/week (12VP/month), Sponsor rating 10VP/month and Goals Setting 5VP/month. This will give you 497VP. You can accumulate the remaining 1003VP for a total of 1500VP to achieve EA2 by purchasing 1TCredit for $1.99 for a quantity of 10. This will give you additional 1020VP and 1260MRP. You can use your 10TCredits for auction. Look for auctions that offer 2x5MRP/bid. With this bid you can accumulate double MRP, which you can use for buying 1TCredit for next month. You can also participate in the daily T-Time draw every hour for 2TCredits. Whatever you can afford and how many quantities of 1TCredit you can purchase per month, you can start to move up to EA2, it may not be the following month but if you are consistent, determined and committed, you will succeed.
No one can stop you in moving forward, in achieving your goals, except you alone. Your passion will drive you to succeed.
Before accepting that you are broke, have you done a financial analysis to your current situation? Look around what you have, what you don’t need, maybe you can convert your unwanted stuff into cash. You can list your unwanted stuff through your TConnect page for just 1TCredit. If you have a laptop or desktop and an Internet connection, then you are not broke at all. Analyze your monthly budget and find out your monthly basic needs. You might be surprise to find out that you can find additional