1.Go to your triple clicks site. Check for MRP as 1Tcredit will cost you 126 MRP. Accordingly you purchase 1 to as you have MRP. This will earn you 102VP for each tcredit.
2. Do the To-Do lists task daily basis.
3. If you have any good friend intrested in gadgets, mobiles etc, brief him/her about Price Benders Live Auction. If he/she seems intrested ask him/her to start from this month only through www.tripleclicks.com/xxxxxxx/pbwin.(XXXXX-Your SFI ID)
4. Also start advertising above link for some result.
5. If possible try to purchase some penny items from tripleclick.
1.Go to your triple clicks site. Check for MRP as 1Tcredit will cost you 126 MRP. Accordingly you purchase 1 to as you have MRP. This will earn you 102VP for each tcredit.
2. Do the To-Do lists task daily basis.
3. If you have any good friend intrested in gadgets, mobiles etc, brief him/her about Price Benders Live Auction. If he/she seems intrested ask him/her to start from this month only through www.tripleclicks.com/xxxxxxx/pbwin.(XXXXX-Your SFI ID)
4. Also start advertising above ...more