Hello this is a good quastion! Because we all here had faced with some negativity in promoting.
1. You can respond with some short answer and some good short quastion. Then that negativity you will put in your advantage.
2. You can block that person and delete his negativ comment, but that we can do only on facebook or somethinh like like that.
3. This is simple. You refused his negativ comment and you go forward, but is more good if you give them some simple answer: “you think so, but I and my friends and co-worker don’t think so, because we will work and we will always work here”.
I can give you more and more answers and examples, but I think this 3 is enough. And I will tell you this for finish, don’t looked back on that kind of comments, only go forward to your goals and you will succeed here and also we all will, if we follow ours goals!
Hello this is a good quastion! Because we all here had faced with some negativity in promoting.
1. You can respond with some short answer and some good short quastion. Then that negativity you will put in your advantage.
2. You can block that person and delete his negativ comment, but that we can do only on facebook or somethinh like like that.
3. This is simple. You refused his negativ comment and you go forward, but is more good if you give them some simple answer: “you think ...more