Let me tell you the reality of online marketing or promoting online business like SFI. We will all face a lot of dose of negativity, because almost 90% of the so called online earning opportunities are scam.
So at the beginning of your campaign expect that 50 to 80 percent of the people you approach will be negative. So accept it because its normal. It is like finding an Ace in a deck of cards, there will be many that are not Ace.
Happily, SFI has given us other paths to move forward with our SFI business. Let me mention few of them.
1. You can buy S-Builders where you don't have to promote you just wait for your PSA to arrive.
2. You can join Co-op with your sponsor where together can put a paid ads.
3. You can have paid ads your self in several PTC sites.
4. You can buy PSA directly from ECA's in TripleClicks.
Let me tell you the reality of online marketing or promoting online business like SFI. We will all face a lot of dose of negativity, because almost 90% of the so called online earning opportunities are scam.
So at the beginning of your campaign expect that 50 to 80 percent of the people you approach will be negative. So accept it because its normal. It is like finding an Ace in a deck of cards, there will be many that are not Ace.
Happily, SFI has given us other paths to move ...more