Well for me if I am faced with some negativity what I will do is not to take it too seriously
and don't get too caught up with it too As every body has their perspective of things right.
Instead if there is nothing else I can do if the guy is too strong headed
I would just excuse myself and walk away from it .
It would be better for me to pool my resources to promote it to people who are more receptive or positive and friendly rather than waste and drain myself on the negative ones .
All the best in your SFI Business and see you at the top
Well for me if I am faced with some negativity what I will do is not to take it too seriously
and don't get too caught up with it too As every body has their perspective of things right.
Instead if there is nothing else I can do if the guy is too strong headed
I would just excuse myself and walk away from it .
It would be better for me to pool my resources to promote it to people who are more receptive or positive and friendly rather than waste and ...more