Hello Tami,
this is perfect question, especialy becouse it is most frecuently asked by new PSAs. My personal advice is to to do your daily actions every day, weekly actions at precisely the time when it is possible, and of course the monthly actions for each month. Now, that is not yet 1500 VP, but, if you play T-time, and if you collect few TCredits, you can use them to play Pick-the-price so you can have more TCredits. Those TCredits you can use for bidding on DP auctions and collect MRPs, so you can buy 1 (or more) TCredit. When you buy 1 TCredit you get 102 VP, plus VPs that you got for bidding (1 bid=1 VP).
Also, you can get VP if you win at Daily Grand (or you can get other prizes).
If you advertaise products from TC, and somebody buy any of that products-you will get VP that are accosiated for that product, plus you will get 45% of CV.
Also, you can advertaise ECA program, and for every ECA you reffered you will get 100 VP. Aldo, you must know that you and your potencial ECA need to wait for approval.
I hope that my answer was helpfull, and I wish you and everyone else to acheave status you want. Have a nice day!
Hello Tami,
this is perfect question, especialy becouse it is most frecuently asked by new PSAs. My personal advice is to to do your daily actions every day, weekly actions at precisely the time when it is possible, and of course the monthly actions for each month. Now, that is not yet 1500 VP, but, if you play T-time, and if you collect few TCredits, you can use them to play Pick-the-price so you can have more TCredits. Those TCredits you can use for bidding on DP auctions and collect MRPs,