As the general in the movie "Buffalo Soldiers" said: "the best soldiers come from dirt". And there is nothing derogatory in this phrase. It simply says that the less people have, the more willing they are to sacrifice to achieve more. I keep my fingers crossed for you to encourage those people to work with SFI and make their future better.
Of all the marketing tools to use, I'd first suggest all graphical aids that may help you build your presentation. If I understand you right, you're going to promote SFI offline to those youngsters, so a good PowerPoint presentation may be your most efficient and effective method.
Also the SFI X-Cards can come in handy here and if you can afford to spend some money, small merchandise like stickers or buttons can be helpful, too. If you manage to get those young people interested and if they join SFI, distribute the buttons to them, and tell them to get their SFI X-Cards. Whenever somebody asks them about the button, they can give out a card and perhaps get a new affiliate also this way.
Apart from that, a good training is a must here and I would start with the compensation plan (not a marketing tool, but can be used as such), explaining at the same time, however, that the results do not come overnight... Young people are geared towards almost immediate effects and the fact that SFI is a long term commitment can work as a deterrent here. But if you can back the compensation plan with YOUR results, you may get them really hooked.
One more thing to close, and as strange as it may seem, please do that: watch and have your prospective affiliates watch "The Secret" movie, and then present SFI. It will be easier for you to explain to those young people that their actions today create their future, and the long term commitment to SFI may be easier to overcome then.
I wish you all the luck and success with your endeavor.
As the general in the movie "Buffalo Soldiers" said: "the best soldiers come from dirt". And there is nothing derogatory in this phrase. It simply says that the less people have, the more willing they are to sacrifice to achieve more. I keep my fingers crossed for you to encourage those people to work with SFI and make their future better.
Of all the marketing tools to use, I'd first suggest all graphical aids that may help you build your presentation. If I understand