: in my humble opinion the best suggestion to give is to encourage them to become a fast tracker from day one so as to attain a head start and get ahead in the E365 Entrepreneur Challenge and start reading and doing the 30 day LaunchPad and stay committed to learning and logging in daily and start posting ads say 1 a day to build their team and thereafter have their PSAs duplicate him or her
Also be committed to a standing order for 1500 VPs And throw in a Scoop if they can afford it to give them more quality PSAs
of course to be upfront with them and share what we all have been and what works better for us and as well as being there for them to show support and mentor them
All the best and see you at the top
: in my humble opinion the best suggestion to give is to encourage them to become a fast tracker from day one so as to attain a head start and get ahead in the E365 Entrepreneur Challenge and start reading and doing the 30 day LaunchPad and stay committed to learning and logging in daily and start posting ads say 1 a day to build their team and thereafter have their PSAs duplicate him or her
Also be committed to a standing order for 1500 VPs And throw in a Scoop if they can afford ...more