My Dear Friend,"SFI" is International".
Living in Africa doesn't mean that you are dis-connected from other countries.Due to improved technologies you have 100's & 1000's of various methods to sponsor,Advertise & publicize.You can be successful even through mouth of word too.
To be successful in SFI,you need Dedication,Motivation & never to give Up attitude.
If you have proper net connectivity,you can generate as many leads & sponsor as many affiliates by your finger tips through your computer.
you are not only helping yourself to be successful in SFI,but helping others too by sponsoring them too SFI. SFI is the main source of Income for life long.
Mainly, you should keep reading methods in SFI everyday to understand the concept and various methods to Sponsor as many people to SFI.
I will be happy & honored, if you apply these methods and be Successful in SFI.
My Dear Friend,"SFI" is International".
Living in Africa doesn't mean that you are dis-connected from other countries.Due to improved technologies you have 100's & 1000's of various methods to sponsor,Advertise & publicize.You can be successful even through mouth of word too.
To be successful in SFI,you need Dedication,Motivation & never to give Up attitude.
If you have proper net connectivity,you can generate as many leads & sponsor as many affiliates