Being successful in SFI does not matter where you are and who you are. There is only an advantage to the persons living near SFI center because they can buy anything in the tripleclicks with no shipment cost and arrives very fast. To be successful, just follow SFI rules and standards. Study all the references and focus. Give more understanding, perseverance, patients, and try hard enough with getting PSA’s, CSA’s and involved in tripleclicks sales.
What you need to do first, login everyday, click all the red tabs for 11 VP. Every week you can earn 38VP more by doing your weekly action and 15VP for your monthly action. There is a T-Time drawing every hour in the tripleclicks and you can join on it freely. When you won you have 2TC. If you gathered 13 TC or by winning 7 times, you can join in the bidding of the items with double MRP rewards , that is 10MRP. From 14TC you can have 140MRP. It is better your 140 MRP be used to purchase 1TC using payments from your MRP. 1TC costs 126MRP only. After the purchase, you still have 14MRP left. Just continue joining in the T-Time drawing so your TC goes higher and higher. At the end of the month, when your consolidated VP still not reaching 1500VP, you can buy single TC for $1.89 which gives you 102VP. As simple as this, you can always be at your executive level or higher especially if you have more PSA’s and CSA’s actively participating in the group.
When times rough, do not be discouraged. Just continue, look straight ahead, you can see bright future in there. SFI is the best…it rocks! And you will rock too if you will focus, give your best and compassion. Go go go!!!
Being successful in SFI does not matter where you are and who you are. There is only an advantage to the persons living near SFI center because they can buy anything in the tripleclicks with no shipment cost and arrives very fast. To be successful, just follow SFI rules and standards. Study all the references and focus. Give more understanding, perseverance, patients, and try hard enough with getting PSA’s, CSA’s and involved in tripleclicks sales.
What you need to do first, login