Personally, I believe that if you are a financially challenged affiliate then the little funds you have MUST be used wisely. The whole point of a standing order is so you accumulate 1,500vp or more every month in order for you to consistently remain as an EA and be in line to earn commissions. I think that it is pointless to set up a standing order if they don't add up to 1,500vp or more because you would not be gaining anything at all. In fact it's a wasted investment. However, with the little funds you have, I suggest you start with purchasing the S-builder. It is cheaper if you set up a standing order than buying it single-handedly. The advantage of this is that you will get CSAs and if you're fortunate to have active CSAs, then you will earn commissions on all their activities on SFI, therefore in time you can accumulate funds and be able to afford a 1,500vp standing order. I also suggest you sign up for the Wave3 program as you earn free credits every month. Enter the draws everyday both on SFI and TripleClicks to win credits.
Personally, I believe that if you are a financially challenged affiliate then the little funds you have MUST be used wisely. The whole point of a standing order is so you accumulate 1,500vp or more every month in order for you to consistently remain as an EA and be in line to earn commissions. I think that it is pointless to set up a standing order if they don't add up to 1,500vp or more because you would not be gaining anything at all. In fact it's a wasted ...more