Well, if someone is financially challenged, then advising him to invest $ 29 in Tcredits ( all though is very useful) - in this case will not motivate, will not help, affiliate will feel more pressure than he/she is already feeling and that might result in quitting.
We are talking about financially challenged one's, right?
My advice is to explain that in this case SO should be 1 Tcredit and for sure W3 starter kit. Explain that the result will not be the same as with affiliates that can invest into theirs business, but to have patience, not to be discourage, to keep moving, that you will help him overpass that temporary problem and that time will come when he/she will not be financially challenged.
Well, if someone is financially challenged, then advising him to invest $ 29 in Tcredits ( all though is very useful) - in this case will not motivate, will not help, affiliate will feel more pressure than he/she is already feeling and that might result in quitting.
We are talking about financially challenged one's, right?
My advice is to explain that in this case SO should be 1 Tcredit and for sure W3 starter kit. Explain that the result will not be the same as with affiliates that can ...more