If you want a 1500vp standing order then the best choice is the 125 T-credit pack. It currently cost $36.25. You can get IHABE for only $29.95 but I think the few extra dollars for T-credits is worth it. You can spend your T-credits on auctions and win some very valuable items including IHABE (currently 3 and 6 month subscriptions) which comes with the monthly 1500vp. Also you receive 1vp for every bid you make at the auction.
If you are trying to reach EA every month but don't mind if you don't receive the benefits of a 1500vp standing order then I would say the best choice is the 100 T-credit pack. It only costs $29 and gives you 1200vp. You can earn the rest by doing your daily vp and spending your T-credits at the auction.
Remember all bids at the auction also give you Member Reward Points which add up and can be spent on almost any item.
If you want a 1500vp standing order then the best choice is the 125 T-credit pack. It currently cost $36.25. You can get IHABE for only $29.95 but I think the few extra dollars for T-credits is worth it. You can spend your T-credits on auctions and win some very valuable items including IHABE (currently 3 and 6 month subscriptions) which comes with the monthly 1500vp. Also you receive 1vp for every bid you make at the auction.
If you are trying to reach EA every month but don't mind if ...more