This is very good & important question indeed. If you can make sure that your SFI Affiliate continues in the second month, then you can safely assume that you have won half the battle. How to prepare him for the second month includes the following action.
1. As soon as he joins send him/her a welcome letter and make sure he gets connected to you through email or phones.
2. Once the connection has been set, you start guiding him/her even without them asking you for help.
3. Ask them to confirm their registration, complete their profile and white list
[email protected].
4. Tell them to read ‘Launch Pad’ (30 lessons) and answer the questions asked at the end of each lesson. They should go through SFI Basic and read it fully to understand everything about SFI. They should log on daily & go to SFI home page and read all the information given under the Tabs Alert, to-do-List, Tips, Stream, Triple Clicks, 2A2, Movers, Growth, Goals, Ask SC and Win it.
5. How to get started can also be listened in the You Tube video at:
6. They should find some time to read one lesson per day from Internet Income given under the Training Tab: ( There are 83 lessons in all giving information of all sorts that is required to become a successful marketer in SFI Business.
7. Ask them to apply practically everything that they learn daily and quickly they will be understanding SFI and start getting valuable Versa Points and income generated by these actions.
8. They should try to score at least 1500 Versa points in their first month itself by completing all the actions and clicking on the “Green Triangle”.
9. Send them weekly messages to give them useful information that may be required to learn about SFI and start earning Versa Points. Versa Points are nothing but indicate the amount of money you will earn in that month. Money earned depends upon Versa Points & Sales made through Triple Clicks.
10. Last but not the least, be available to your affiliates 24/7 through email, phone calls or Team Messages to render all the help they may need.
Hope it helps !!
This is very good & important question indeed. If you can make sure that your SFI Affiliate continues in the second month, then you can safely assume that you have won half the battle. How to prepare him for the second month includes the following action.
1. As soon as he joins send him/her a welcome letter and make sure he gets connected to you through email or phones.
2. Once the connection has been set, you start guiding him/her even without them asking you for help.
3. Ask