Thanks for the great question!
“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” - Edith Wharton.
Lead by example is the key to prepare your affiliates for their second month with SFI.
First and foremost, review and assess yourself for this month:
Did you achieve your July's goals? If yes, what's your strategy? If no, what's are your obstacles? Have you planned for your next month (August) goals?
Then, review and assess your affiliates:
Your self assessment info should be relayed to your affiliates. Make them aware that setting up and reviewing their goals are crucial in advancing themselves in SFI for the second month:
Before sending the message, you should categorize these affiliates into 3 categories as the message directed to them MUST match their status as to have maximum impact. Please refer to the following:
1) Already achieved EA status - focus on helping and guiding them to achieve EA2. Emphasize on the importance of setting up Standing Order to ensure their rank and benefits. You can motivate them by throwing out some kind of incentives of Tcredit, affiliates reassigment, gift certificate and etc.
2) Active but not yet achieved EA status - focus on motivating them to achieve minimum of 1500 VP. Go through their VP ledger and provide review on what are their strength and what are the things lacking. By doing this, your affiliates are aware that you are concern on their progress with SFI.
3) No or less activity - focus on motivating them to take actions. Don't worry if they are not responding because if they do not opt-out, there's still possibility they will take action one day. The main thing is to feed them with positive info from time to time.
Hope the above helps.
"Success is not to be measured by the position someone has reached in life, but the obstacles he has overcome while trying to succeed." - Booker T. Washington
Best of luck to you and all!
Thanks for the great question!
“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” - Edith Wharton.
Lead by example is the key to prepare your affiliates for their second month with SFI.
First and foremost, review and assess yourself for this month:
Did you achieve your July's goals? If yes, what's your strategy? If no, what's are your obstacles? Have you planned for your next month (August) goals?