Promoting PriceBenders auctions is a great way to earn money because people have to constantly buy and use TCredits. TCredits are extremely good for selling as they earn you a good deal of money. And you might even get somebody that buys other things from the rest of the TripleClicks website.
So promoting auctions is a good idea, and not that difficult. You could easily post them on a social media site and have some attention fairly easily. If you have a Facebook and a lot of friends, you could post a current auction saying you hope you win item x for item x. Or similarly, post that you won item x for x at the auction. Show off what you get basically.
I personally use the first method as I have yet to win anything in the auction. So for all I know, I might not be getting some shoppers because I haven't advertised what PriceBenders auctions have done for me.
Another idea is to make a blog and post the prior days great deal to show what is possible. This obviously requires logging in every day, but most people do that any ways.
Ultimately, you should consider what you would like to see if you were the shopper.
Promoting PriceBenders auctions is a great way to earn money because people have to constantly buy and use TCredits. TCredits are extremely good for selling as they earn you a good deal of money. And you might even get somebody that buys other things from the rest of the TripleClicks website.
So promoting auctions is a good idea, and not that difficult. You could easily post them on a social media site and have some attention fairly easily. If you have a Facebook and a lot of friends, ...more