The best angle to promote Pricebenders is "Get name brand merchandise for pennies on the dollar everyday" It works like a charm. Everyone likes to save money and everyone loves a good deal. Even more, everyone loves the feeling of being a winner.
So another angle that you can promote Pricebenders from is to promote the winner's list gateway. When people see the jaw dropping low prices that Wil G won an Apple Ipad II for $5.75, they are already sold! Everyone and their pet iguana wants one of these that's why those auctions can be the most competitive.
Yet, still another way to promote Pricebender auctions is to draw a comparison to Forex. The TripleClicks Siver Pk is highly marketable and so are the gold coins. You can say something like "Forget the Dow Index, now you can trade in foreign currency and you don't need Wall Street!" Honestly, their are a 1001 different ways to market Pricebender auctions.
So why not take a blank sheet of paper and write down all of the reasons why YOU like Pricebender auctions. Then take each of the reasons and develop an ad campaign around it. You will be amazed at what you come up with with a piece of paper, some brainstorming, and execution. Enjoy.
The best angle to promote Pricebenders is "Get name brand merchandise for pennies on the dollar everyday" It works like a charm. Everyone likes to save money and everyone loves a good deal. Even more, everyone loves the feeling of being a winner.
So another angle that you can promote Pricebenders from is to promote the winner's list gateway. When people see the jaw dropping low prices that Wil G won an Apple Ipad II for $5.75, they are already sold! Everyone and their pet ...more