For me the best way to promote Pricebenders auctions is to win one by your self and then go on any social network that you know of and post it there what you won.
The people will see that and probably ask you some questions about it and then you will maybe have some future TripleClicks members.
But there's also other ways. You don't really need to win an auction, just make some flyers of your own and go from house to house and post them around.
You can also bring people by W3 program and get 50 free cards when you are W3 member and show them to people and tell them there's also auctions there on the same site and if they like auctions more then just send them your personal links to see the prices.
Hello jiri H
For me the best way to promote Pricebenders auctions is to win one by your self and then go on any social network that you know of and post it there what you won.
The people will see that and probably ask you some questions about it and then you will maybe have some future TripleClicks members.
But there's also other ways. You don't really need to win an auction, just make some flyers of your own and go from house to house and post them around.
You can also ...more