Goal setting is important in your business as well as in life. Without the goal you can't reach anywhere because you don't know where to go.If you don't know where to reach then you are roaming aimlessly and will never be satisfied with whatever you are doing. So goal setting is very important to know the answers of the following:
Who---is involved? The answer is "I".
What--you want to achieve? (Financial freedom for life).
Where--will I achieve it? (at SFI).
When--will I achieve it? (on becoming a Team leader-BTL/STL/GTL/PTL).
Why--should I achieve it? (To earn residual income).
when you answer these questions, you are in right frame of mind to set and achieve your goal. Be smart to set a "SMART" goal.
The moment you have finished setting your smart goal you are mentally prepared to work towards achieving it. Once you achieve your set goals, you automatically become 'Successful".
So Setting GOALS is very important to become successful at SFI.
Goal setting is important in your business as well as in life. Without the goal you can't reach anywhere because you don't know where to go.If you don't know where to reach then you are roaming aimlessly and will never be satisfied with whatever you are doing. So goal setting is very important to know the answers of the following:
Who---is involved? The answer is "I".
What--you want to achieve? (Financial freedom for life).
Where--will I achieve it? (at SFI).
When--will ...more