Setting goal is similar to budgetting, It makes you pay attention to most important steps which are necessary for success while less attention is given to trivialities. Your goal places a challenge before you and you don't feel fulfilled until you achieved it. Your set goal is your road map that will guide you to success, it makes you know where to watch out for pitfalls. Moreover, in a bid to fulfil your goal in Sfi, you suddenly discover that you are gradually becoming more prudent and turning to a marketing guru.
The most beautiful thing about your goal in Sfi is that they award you points for visiting your goal page daily so that you don't loose sight of it. This is because a goal that is forgotten will never be achieved.
Setting goal is similar to budgetting, It makes you pay attention to most important steps which are necessary for success while less attention is given to trivialities. Your goal places a challenge before you and you don't feel fulfilled until you achieved it. Your set goal is your road map that will guide you to success, it makes you know where to watch out for pitfalls. Moreover, in a bid to fulfil your goal in Sfi, you suddenly discover that you are gradually becoming more prudent and turning ...more