If your PSAs send their goals to you, you are on a good way to build a good team, so it would be unreasonable to lose that opportunity. We may also assume that sharing the goals is a signal that your affiliates want to discuss them with you and this may require a great deal of sensitivity, common sense, and tact.
Before going into the details, I'd first compliment them on setting the goals and thank them on sending them to you.
While discussing the goals themselves, never evaluate them, at least do not provide negative feedback, like "No, that's simply impossible" or "You're planning too high", etc. Instead, provide positive advice. If you feel your affiliate might have set their goals too high, you may say something like this: "I can see you plan to XXX. That's great! How would you divide it into a few smaller goals, so once you reach each of them, you know you're making progress?" This will make your affiliate concentrate on the goal even more.
Also, you might ask about their first step towards reaching this or that goal.
If you think your affiliate's goals are too modest, you may ask about their next step after reaching those goals, or how they are going to revise the goals on reaching them earlier than planned. This, again, will make your affiliates think about their goals more and they may find out themselves that dreaming big is more exciting and more rewarding than being conservative.
Whatever you do, however, simply remember to provide positive feedback, to motivate your affiliates to do more (if you think they underestimate themselves) or to plan carefully (if you think their goals may overwhelm them).
And on the off-topic side: also monitor their milestones with them and congratulate them (or even reward them) on reaching each of them.
Positive feedback, motivation, encouragement - these are the elements of the best approach to discussing the goals with your new PSAs.
If your PSAs send their goals to you, you are on a good way to build a good team, so it would be unreasonable to lose that opportunity. We may also assume that sharing the goals is a signal that your affiliates want to discuss them with you and this may require a great deal of sensitivity, common sense, and tact.
Before going into the details, I'd first compliment them on setting the goals and thank them on sending them to you.
While discussing the goals themselves, never evaluate