If you want your members to participate in a co-op, you would obviously need
to convince them first about the efficacy of your proposed advertising.
Write to them via Team-Mail, individually or using the Genealogy window and
explain to them about HOW you are going to advertise & whether your results
justify the expense involved. Tell them honestly what they should expect.
Personally, i created a FREE [ actually, with expenses out of my pocket but
not charged ] co-op with just two of my top performers & on the underlying
condition that they will acknowledge the new sign-up/s that they receive in
When such an acknowledgement is made via stream post / team mail, naturally
it garners interest from other team members also.
If you want your members to participate in a co-op, you would obviously need
to convince them first about the efficacy of your proposed advertising.
Write to them via Team-Mail, individually or using the Genealogy window and
explain to them about HOW you are going to advertise & whether your results
justify the expense involved. Tell them honestly what they should expect.
Personally, i created a FREE [ actually, with expenses out of my pocket but
not charged