Investments that are necessary to succeed in SFI are:
1. Your Time
If you’re passionate on something, then you would definitely spend time on that something to make it in reality. Whatever your dream is, it should be driven by your passion that will help you bring your big visions to a reality. Every day you create your life and legacy with your actions, thoughts and what you believe to be possible. Passion will drive you to apply the rules of success, which is the key. When you joined SFI, you certainly have goals, whether to improve your living standards or supplement your current income or become debt free, you need to stay focus and enjoy what you’re doing. Tools and Resources are provided and by applying them, you will bring your business on the road to success. It just takes time to learn. Be persistent, consistent and stay committed.
2. Your Financial Commitment
An affiliate may differ from others about how to build his/her SFI business. He may want to build a network of affiliates or sponsor new ECAs and TripleClicks members or a combination of all three. You may be passionate to do all of these, but if you lack financial investment, you’re not going any further. An investment of Standing Order, it could be TCredits or IAHBE to become an EA, will open the way to start expanding your business. You need also to invest in sponsoring affiliates, ECAs and TripleClicks members depending on your monthly budget. You can apply the methods of Sponsoring (beginners, intermediate and advanced). Always keep in mind the guidelines in “Be An Awesome Sponsor (and create big income duplication)”.
Successful people don't eat their seed corn, they invest in themselves.
Investments that are necessary to succeed in SFI are:
1. Your Time
If you’re passionate on something, then you would definitely spend time on that something to make it in reality. Whatever your dream is, it should be driven by your passion that will help you bring your big visions to a reality. Every day you create your life and legacy with your actions, thoughts and what you believe to be possible. Passion will drive you to apply the rules of success, which is the key. When